Riverflow Community Logo

Community Life

Cultural & Spiritual Life

Riverflow Community is inspired by the teachings of Rudolf Steiner, a philosopher and social reformer, most widely known for his founding of Waldorf Education and establishment of Biodynamic Agriculture. Riverflow also draws its principles and ideals from Dr. Karl König, an Austrian pediatrician, who created the intentional community movement, Camphill, during the onset of WWII. The Camphill Movement is a guiding force behind Riverflow’s mission, due in particular to Camphill’s 80 years of experience providing direct, loving care to its members while endeavoring to practice sustainable community living. Camphill was and continues to be ahead of its time, leading the way in neurodiverse activism through a profound understanding of the wholeness of each human being.

Plays, festivals, expressive movement and dance, singing, and biography work are all essential ingredients of community life at Riverflow and are inspired by the cultural life in Camphill. Individuals are encouraged to take part in artistic and cultural activities as a means of self-discovery, relationship-building, and as a way of expanding our understanding of what it means to be human together.

Home Life

Currently, Riverflow is founding its first home with the hope of growing to a four home community over the next ten years. Riverflow is licensed as a Therapeutic Community Residence (TCR) in the state of Vermont.

Home life is the heart of the community. Home is where we share life skills, celebrate each day with all the ups and downs that come, and build meaningful and lasting friendships. Meals are prepared and eaten in a community setting, with each house member sharing in the responsibilities and decision-making.

Rhythm holds together the ins-and-outs of daily, weekly, and monthly life. Special occasions like holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries are an opportunity to celebrate together, create a sense of belonging, and honor members of our own community as well as our global community.

Once a week Riverflow members will cook a community meal that is open to the public—keep a lookout on our events page.

Vocational Life

Riverflow offers creative programs and vocational engagement that will nurture the heart, soul, and mind of every person. Our days will be filled with opportunities for individual expression and rhythm. We are excited and committed to meeting our neighbors, connecting with local farms, crafting and other local places where Riverflow Community members can work or volunteer. We look forward to establishing ourselves as part of the Monkton and broader Vermont communities.

Vocational opportunities:

  • Working the land: Perennial and Vegetable Gardening
  • Artistic endeavors
  • Cooking and Baking (including volunteering in the community)
  • Candle Making
  • Fiber Arts
  • Healing Plants